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The importance of physical activity at every stage of life

The frequency, duration, intensity and type of sport practised vary throughout life. But one thing’s for sure: it’s indispensable at any age. The health benefits of physical exercise are numerous: weight control, combating certain diseases and health problems, increasing energy levels or improving sleep. To keep you active, the WHO has drawn up a list of recommendations for each age group, indicating the best types of sport to play.



Aerobic exercise, mostly through games, sports and movement (walking or cycling).

Activities that strengthen muscles and bones, at least 3 times a week, with vigorous intensity.

The benefits of exercise at these ages:

Development of bones, muscles and joints

Healthy cardiovascular system (heart and lungs)

Development of neuromuscular awareness (coordination and control of movements)

Controlling anxiety and depression

Promotes social development and self-esteem.

AGE 18 TO 64

Recommendation: Aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercise involving large muscle groups should be performed 2 or more days a week. All types of sport, walking and household chores that get the body moving are encouraged at this stage.

The benefits of exercise at these ages:

Improved cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness

Improved bone health

Reduced risk of death from coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome, colon and breast cancer, and depression

Reduced risk of hip or vertebral fractures

Weight maintenance.


Recommendation:Aerobic and muscle-strengthening exercises involving large muscle groups should be performed 2 or more days a week. ** Elderly people with reduced mobility should be physically active 3 or more days a week to improve balance and prevent falls.

The benefits of exercise at these ages:

Reduced risk of death from coronary heart disease, hypertension, stroke, type 2 diabetes, colon and breast cancer.

Improved cardiorespiratory and muscular fitness

Improved prevention of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes

Increased bone mass

Improved functional health

Reduced risk of falls

Improved cognitive functions.

** Source: WHO**.